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Authentic Jamu Experience

Get in touch with Indonesian tradition with local herbal beverage specially created at Sunerra with finest natural ingredients

"Immerse your senses in an ancient wisdom meets modern all-natural healing remedy"

A Healthy Blend of Herbs and Spices

Drink it down in one shot of Jamu made from natural materials such as roots, bark and seeds and absorb the goodness inside.

A Traditional Mixture of Healing

These authentic Jamu at Sunerra is made with herbal ingredients and traditional methods to honour the timeless healing and beautiful heritage traditions

Jamu Beras Kencur

Using galangal, brown rice and ginger, this traditional concoction is believed to aid in treating indigestion, increasing appetites, and vitality & stamina.

Jamu Kunyit Asem

Using turmeric, tamarind and palm sugar, this traditional concoction is believed to aid in blood circulation, eliminate toxins and purify the complexion.

Jamu Jahe Sereh

Using lemongrass, ginger and brown sugar, this traditional concoction is believed to aid in relieving anxiety, lowering cholesterol, and boosting oral health.